All tagged She Was a Warrior Princess

She Was a Warrior Princess-The Infirmed Woman

Warrior Princess this is from one of the first blogs I wrote that I wanted to share. Are you a risk taker? The sister in the Bible who carried around an issue of blood for a long time was a risk taker; she tried everything to be rid of this thorn in her flesh. Nothing she tried worked, but the day came when she had enough and couldn’t take any longer. She risked everything she had to get to Jesus. I am sure at this point, she didn’t care about her reputation or what others had to say. She was done carrying around this burden, she was done having to explain to others about her pain and her issue, and she was done hearing from everyone what she needed to do. I get it, I have my own issues, and I need Jesus to deal with my own stuff.

As a Warrior Princess, she did what she had to to get to Jesus and took a leap of faith, Jesus reassured her:” Courage, daughter. You took a risk of faith, and now, you’re well.” (Matthew 9:22 msg.) Whatever your issue, take that risk of faith, get to Jesus and let Him make you well.

Warrior Princess Maggy

She Was A Warrior Princess-Joanna

Warrior Princess, this is for the woman who at times feels like she is unnoticed or that no one sees her. I want to encourage you today with a word. Joanna was a woman; the bible didn't give much detail, but her story is significant.

Joanna was one of the women who first discovered that Jesus indeed rose. I know many speak of the Marys when you hear about this story, but she was there. Though there is not much known about her, she tells the story of many women. Women who are behind the scenes, ladies. The ladies who are the quiet warriors who are making a difference in the kingdom. She is the Warrior Princess who is a prayer warrior, the finisher to the project that others may not see. She is the one who comes along at the right time because in the quietness of her spirit she hears from the Lord, "go bless that daughter" She is the one who arrives early and leaves late. Her story is a powerful one because though others may not see her, the Lord does and rewards her was such grace and beauty. Her story may not have a drawn-out narrative, but her story is one of importance.

Joanna was that Warrior Princess. At that very moment, Luke mention her name as one of the women who witnesses one of the most critical scenes of our Christian faith, "He is not here, He has risen" She was a Warrior Princess, and for my sisters who are that quiet warrior so are you.

She Was A Warrior Princess-The Daughters of Zelophehad

Warrior Princess, the daughters of Zelophehad Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah in Numbers 27 fought for what they believe was theirs. They lived in a time where inheritances of the father were left to sons, well their father didn't have sons, so these warrior princesses knew they had to fight for the name of their father and their inheritance.

As daughters of the Most High King, we didn't have to fight our eternal inheritance, Jesus did all the fighting for us. However, we have an enemy who works to rob us from the blessings we receive for that inheritance. These blessings are the added addition to the will and testament of our Heavenly Father that was set before us when we became His children. He allows us to cash in on some of these benefits and blessings in our daily lives. Those blessings are His peace, His love, His promises, His provision, His grace, and His joy. The enemy and the things of this world will love to steal those blessings right from under us.

I would like to encourage you today with a reminder, you already have your eternal inheritance. One day you will live out the richest of His glory until then fight for the gifts and blessings that He offers to you today, you deserve to live like a princess, a Warrior Princess every day in the Richness of your Heavenly Father and King.