She Was a Warrior Princess-Leah
Warrior Princess, Leah was apart of the old bait and switch. Her sister was the bait for seven years Jacob woo her and made a claim over and over she would be his. You know Leah knew this and heard the talk. Their father had to come up with s plan to wed Leah being she was the firstborn. It was the perfect scheme Jacob would be too high spirits after the wedding meaning he had plenty of drinks. The switch would happen. Oh, the drama of it all both girls knew what was going down. I wish I could hear all the talk. The tears the fighting oh it is not fair, he is here for me and loves me. Isn't it funny how God can come into all of our drama and totally rewrite the story? Leah had no idea what would happen with this whole thing, little did she know she would be used to birth a good portion of the nation of Judah and that her story played a significant part in the promise that was given to Abraham.
She was a Warrior Princess even if she couldn't see it. For the woman who can't see her potential in all the drama, God wants to rewrite your story and help you understand He has a plan even if we can't see it.
“Leah’s eyes were delicate, but Rachel was beautiful of form and appearance.”