WPA Inspirations

Maggy Delaney

She Was A Warrior Princess-Joanna

She Was A Warrior Princess-Joanna

Warrior Princess, this is for the woman who at times feels like she is unnoticed or that no one sees her. I want to encourage you today with a word. Joanna was a woman; the bible didn't give much detail, but her story is significant. 

Joanna was one of the women who first discovered that Jesus indeed rose. I know many speak of the Marys when you hear about this story, but she was there. Though there is not much known about her, she tells the story of many women. Women who are behind the scenes. The ladies who are the quiet warriors who are making a difference in the kingdom. She is the Warrior Princess who is a prayer warrior, the finisher to the project that others may not see. She is the one who comes along at the right time because in the quietness of her spirit she hears from the Lord, "go bless that daughter"  She is the one who arrives early and leaves late. Her story is a powerful one because though others may not see her, the Lord does and rewards her was such grace and beauty. Her story may not have a drawn-out narrative, but her story is one of importance.

Joanna was that Warrior Princess. At that very moment, Luke mention her name as one of the women who witnesses one of the most critical moment of our Christian faith, "He is not here, He has risen" She was a Warrior Princess, and for my sisters who are that quiet warrior so are you.

She is a Warrior Princess-Mom

She is a Warrior Princess-Mom

The Real Black Friday

The Real Black Friday