The Alphabets of Life: Confusion
Warrior Princess, a spirit of confusion can cause chaos in our lives. If our thoughts are confused or out of sort, we cant hear from the Lord. We have a saying in Celebrate Recovery when it comes to confused thoughts; it's called stinking thinking. This type of thought process robs us our time, our joy, and our peace of mind. Paul writes we need to take every thought captive. I would like to encourage you today.
If you are confused in your thoughts about who you are, take it captive, you are a child of God.
If you are confused in your thoughts about if you matter, take it captive, you have a purpose.
If you are confused in your thoughts that you are not beautiful, take it captive, you are.
If you are confused in your thoughts about can you be used by God, take it captive, God has a plan for your life.
Do not let the confusion of your thoughts steal your joy, take it captive and be free.
Warrior Princess Maggy