WPA Inspirations

Maggy Delaney

The Alphabets of Life: Defeated

The Alphabets of Life: Defeated

Warrior Princess, Romans 8:31 ask the question What then shall we say about these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Who can stand against us when we have God on our side? No one!  We do not have to live with a defeated attitude, but with an attitude of Victory. 

There are plenty stories in the bible of people who lived through some defeated situations, but when God showed up, they were victorious.  Joseph who could have lived with a defeated attitude consider how long he stayed in prison, we have, David when he was on the run from Saul, and then there is Esther who risks being sentenced to death when she had to face the king to save her people.

Storms will come, and trouble will knock at our door, we can choose to be overwhelmed with a defeated attitude, or we can believe the truth in Romans 8:31 if God is for us, who can be against us? 


Warrior Princess Maggy

The Alphabets of Life: Excuses

The Alphabets of Life: Excuses

The Alphabets of Life: Confusion

The Alphabets of Life: Confusion