WPA Inspirations

Maggy Delaney

Can I encourage you today?

Can I encourage you today?

Warrior Princess, many of you may not know I have gone back to school, which is why I can only get out one blog post a week. Last week I didn't get one out at all blame it on my exam LOL. I am working on my Masters; 51 and back in school, it shows how the Lord is not done stretching me and working out His plans for my life. Its been an exciting journey these last four months, but I am working it out the best I can with the Lord's help and great support. I have two of my best buds as my study buddies to keep on encouraging me while I complete this masters program. I am grateful for them both, there have been days I asked myself Lord are sure this is what I should be doing. I know that I am. When the Lord calls you forward to step out in new territory or different territory, it can be rough at first and even uncomfortable figuring out the new elements. We need to realize that it's going to be okay.

I want to write to you today to encourage you. I don’t know what new territory the Lord has you walking through. I don’t know if you're in a valley, or wandering through your own personal wilderness right now. I want you to hear it’s going to be okay, You Got this. You are Strong. You are Brave, You are Courageous, and You are Fierce. You will overcome, and You are a conqueror, The Lord will get you through this. Remember in those dark days of figuring out things the only Light you need is Jesus.

I have written to you, young men, because you are STRONG, God’s word remains in you, and you have conquered the evil one.
— 1 John 2:14 CSB
Your Legacy

Your Legacy

This Season of Struggle

This Season of Struggle