The Alphabets of Life: Win
Warrior Princess, we all are running our race. We should run as Paul wrote in scripture, "Run in such a way to win the Prize" Along the way we will have some races with much easier prizes we can attain. There are some races to get to the prize will need us to run like a long distance runner. We will need to pace ourselves during those races to build up our endurance to reach the finished line.
No matter the race we are running, "Run in such a way to win the prize." I do not know what the prize you trying to win, but I want to encourage you. Don't give up, fight through the pain, wipe the sweat from your brow, keep running. If you fall, get back up and keep running. If your run turn into a walk or a crawl keep fighting until you cross that finish line. Your coach Jesus is running right next to you. There is a crowd cheering you on; you can do this.
The excitement of the finish is right around the corner. You can see the podium, yes can see your prize for healing, restoration, financial blessings, families member save, that college degree, a new job, or that a new home. No matter the prize all your hard work and training to get you to this point will finally pay off. Keep running.
“Don’t you know that the runners in a stadium all race, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way to WIN the prize.”