WPA Inspirations

Maggy Delaney

The Alphabets of Life: Insecurities

The Alphabets of Life: Insecurities

Warrior Princess, when David was anointed as king, Samuel had a different perception of what a king should look like. The Lord had to check him in his thinking about who He had chosen to be king. Even David’s brothers had a wrong perception of who he was because he hung out with the sheep.

Samuel and David's brothers didn't see what happens out there in the pasture. David did spend a lot of time with those sheep, and no he didn't look like his brothers. But while he spent time with those sheep, he got to know the Lord, wrote the most amazing psalms, grew in the understanding of where his strength came from during adversity and developed into the man he was called to be. 

Other people’s perceptions of who they think we are do not measure up to who God says we are. We may spend a great deal of time hanging out with sheep, but it is during that time the Lord is shaping us into the women He created us to be.

We as women should not allow our insecurities, and others’ belief shapes us; even with all our battle wounds, our inadequacies, and uncertainties, God will raise up His Warrior Princess in her anointing to shake up the world which she lives.

Warrior Princess Maggy

The Alphabets of Life: Jesus

The Alphabets of Life: Jesus

The Alphabets of Life: Hope

The Alphabets of Life: Hope