The Alphabets of Life: Obedience
Warrior Princess, Do you know that we are instructed to be obedience with our thoughts? Think about this if we are controlled by our negative thoughts we will find ourselves being total driven and reacting to life strictly by those negative thoughts. Paul wrote, "casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." We are to bring every thought into captivity. Our negative thoughts are going against the knowledge of God and are direct disobedience against Christ, that is hard to swallow.
The Holy Spirit would not put negative thoughts in your mind or spirit. We know that is the working of the enemy. The Lord would give you thoughts that would edify your spirit, and to lift and build you up.
We all are a masterpiece of the King, we all have our rough edges that are still being worked out, which mean we still make mistakes that can offend and hurt others. But when we have negative thoughts against others who have made mistakes or even when we make a mistake and talk bad about ourselves, we're acting in disobedience with those thoughts.
If you struggle with negative thoughts about yourself or others, I want to encourage to pray and ask the Lord to help you bring every thought into captivity so you can live life in obedience to Christ and that you can be free in your mind from all the chatter and noise of negativity.
Warrior Princess Maggy
“ casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”