Swift Justice
Warrior Princess, there are those who want to see you fail. They will mock you and tell lies about you. We know the devil is a liar who will stop at nothing to trip you up and cause you to face plant. David prayed about this very thing. Psalms 35 talks about vindication.
The Lord has already gone before you and will report on your faithfulness and your obedience to Him and His word. Let me tell you today do not give the enemy a foothold by whining and complaining about what he is doing and who he is using to steal your joy and your victory.
The Lord will as David writes will punch them in the nose and will harass those hecklers. He will stand up for you and will be your representative before the judge and jury; case closed you already have the Victory and will reap the benefit of swift justice in the heavenly places and before those who oppose you.
Know this you're a Warrior Princess, of a Might King and the crown of His blessing is upon your head.