No Games of Thrones Here
Warrior Princess, these past few days there was a considerable hype about the Games of Thrones starting their final season. I personally have not seen the show, but seeing everyone talking about the show moved me to write about the GOD instead of the GOT.
This is Holy week, and as we moved to celebrated Resurrection Day I am reminded there is only one who sits on the throne and one who sits at the right hand of the Father, His name is Jesus. He came and fought the fight of redemption for all of us. His victory gave us victory over sin and has secured a place for us in glory. I want to get excited about that and post about the GOD who gave His son as a living sacrifice out His love for us. I want to celebrate how I wouldn’t be where I am without Him, and it was Him who opened doors, parted red seas, knocked down walls to get to me so I can be who I am., that is something to get hyped up about.
Easter is a day of remembrance of the cost for our sinfulness and how loved died that day to be raised up with a Victorious Reign over our enemy. Yes GOD is on the throne, and His son sits on His right side of the Heavenly Father as a risen son of GOD.
“God reigns over the nations; God sits on His holy throne.”