WPA Inspirations

Maggy Delaney

I am

I am

Warrior Princess, this month I wanted to remind us all who we are in Christ and that we need to claim our identy in Him. When we take the, I statement of I am, and the truth of the Lord it changes our perspective of who we are and who He says we are. In 2 Corinthians 1:21-22, Paul writes how we are Established in Christ, He has anointed us and that we are sealed. This show us that we do have the stamp of approval of a Good God, who see us as good.  It is my hope that you change your thinking of you are not enough, or the thinking I am not good and change your I statements to  I am chosen, I am called, I am loved, I am strong, I am one with Christ, I am what I am, I am an heir, I am blessed, I am qualified, I am His beloved, I am victorious, I am set free, I am redeemed, I am a new creation, I am salt, I am light, I am an ambassador, I am a child of God, and I am complete.

The Alphabets of Life: Adversity

The Alphabets of Life: Adversity

I am What I am

I am What I am