WPA Inspirations

Maggy Delaney

The Chosen Road

A post from a year ago, that is a great reminder. 

Warrior Princess, I was reminded this morning about the road I have chosen. This road is one that is God driven, God ordained and is God chosen.

As I reflect on the last few weeks of my own personal battles. I, myself needed a reminder as a Warrior Princess I need to practice what I preach. I was convicted this week that I need to make sure my armor is on, that I pick up my sword and all the weapons that will help me fight on the battlefield. Psalms 119:30 reminded me that I have chosen the true road to somewhere and I need to make sure I put up my road signs to help me navigate every curve and every corner I come up to.  Even if you’re not sure which road to travel keep in mind only the road that the Lord has laid before you will lead on the road to righteousness, grace and peace.

The Road I have chosen is the one that has taken me to places I may have never travel on my own if it wasn’t for the Lord.  I pray you will not be discouraged if there has been some bumps, curves, and corners that have been a challenge; I would tell you today put up those road signs and keep the faith you are going somewhere.

Warrior Princess Maggy

Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong let all that you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

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